Capital Boost business lending circles
Capital Boost business lending circles

Loan Calculator

Use the calculator below to understand indicative repayment amount and weekly payouts for the availed loan amounts

Loan Amount


Repayment Amount


Approximate weekly repayment amount is


I would like to borrow$ 5000


How long do you want then loan for 12 Months

6 Months36 Months

Your monthly interest rate


If you are looking for a business loan, please fill in the loan application form. For any other enquiry, write to us with your contact details using the form below and we will get back to you soon.

What is Loan Calculator and how it helps?

The loan calculator is a tool that can be used to calculate the monthly repayment on a loan. It makes it easier for people to know how much they need to repay and when they will pay it off.

There are many different ways in which the loan calculator can be used. For example, someone with a mortgage could use it to find out how much money they will need every month in order to make this payment. It also allows people who want to borrow money from someone else, such as a relative or friend, to find out how much would be necessary each month for this person’s total repayment.

It is important that you get an accurate or approx. estimate of the monthly repayment before you apply for any kind of loan.

Contact Us

At Capital Boost House, we understand your need to grow and are committed to your success.

Speak to us today

To know more about our offerings and how you can get your business loan at the earliest, reach out to us!

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Needless to say, your contact details are safe with us and we assure you that your data will not be misused.